Our Plan for A Stronger Durack Future

The Morrison Government’s plan for a stronger future provides cost of living relief, creates more jobs, guarantees the essential services and keeps Australians safe.

Federal Member for Durack, the Hon. Melissa Price said Australia’s economic recovery is leading the world.

“More Australians are in work than ever before and the unemployment rate is now forecast to reach 3¾ per cent in 2022, the lowest rate in close to 50 years. Along with that reflection of our strong economy, the Morrison Government is also providing cost of living relief that’s temporary, targeted and responsible,” Ms Price said.

·  One-off Cost of Living Tax Offset - From 1 July this year, more than 10 million individuals will receive a one-off $420 cost of living tax offset. As a result, eligible low- and middle-income earners will be up to $1,500 better off for a single income household, or $3,000 better off for dual income household.   

· One-off Cost of Living Payment - To help Australians most in need the Government is providing a one-off, income-tax-exempt payment of $250 to 6 million eligible pensioners, welfare recipients, veterans and eligible concession card holders in April 2022. 

· Temporary fuel excise relief - The Government will reduce fuel excise by 50 per cent for 6 months. This will see excise on petrol and diesel cut from 44.2 cents per litre to 22.1 cents per litre. The reduction in excise will flow through to lower petrol prices over the next two weeks.

The Morrison Government is investing an unprecedented $37.9 billion in regional Australia and priority infrastructure across the nation to create jobs and unlock the economic potential in our regions, with a vote of confidence in Durack with record support of projects including;

·       More than a billion dollars of future funding investments into the Pilbara

·       $400 million in additional funding to completely seal the Tanami Road to the Western Australian border

·       $140 million regional road safety upgrades 

·       Newman to Port Hedland upgrade of Great Northern Highway investment of $40 million to build overtaking lanes.

·       $22.4 commitment to get the Mid West Secondary Freight Network roads project started 

·       $8 million to assist the upgrade of the York light industrial area.   

The Budget continues the Morrison Government’s broad support for business with a record high of 220,000 in trade apprenticeships.

“We already have 5,520 apprentices in Durack and new measures in the Budget will lead to more opportunities for apprentices and trainees with expanded wage subsidies. As well, small businesses will also have access to a new 20 per cent bonus deduction for training and upskilling employees. Around 3,600 businesses in Durack will be able to access this bonus,” Ms Price said.

“Importantly, other areas that have received extra funding include the popular Indigenous Ranger’s program with a funding injection increasing the number of rangers by 1000 positions, mental health support across regional, rural and remote services including headspace and 24,000 Durack premises, from Bindoon to Northam to Moonyoonooka in the Midwest with an NBN upgrade.” Ms Price said.

“Overall, I believe the Budget delivers the next stage of the Government’s plan to build a strong economy and a stronger future for all in Durack.” Ms Price said.

 Budget documents are available at www.budget.gov.au  


Media Contact: Rose Crane 0427 587395, Rosemea.Crane@aph.gov.au