A Birdie in Broome with a World Class View

Broome is set to benefit with today’s opening of its new golf club facilities overlooking beautiful Roebuck Bay.

The Federal Member for Durack, the Honourable Melissa Price, said for at least a decade there was local understanding of the undervalued facility and location, so today represents an important step forward for locals and the tourism industry.

“The project to redevelop the club house facilities and establish a restaurant café to provide more attractive amenities and increase patronage of the club was a significant investment in building a stronger tourism industry and driving jobs for the long term”, Ms Price said.

“Importantly as the year turned out with COVID-19, the construction provided extra employment opportunities including 47 jobs, and additional support to local businesses and supplies, supporting the local economy at a vulnerable time”, she said.

The project received $5,115,645 to upgrade the club under the Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects stream.

The Australian Government is investing $1.04 billion from 2017-18 to 2023-24 in the Building Better Regions Fund. The Building Better Regions Fund aims to create jobs, drive economic growth, and build stronger regional communities into the future.



Rose Crane 0427 587 395. Rosemea.Crane@aph.gov.au