Seeding Northern Development in Durack — Melissa Price MP

Seeding Northern Development in Durack

There is a new Morrison Government grants program to support Durack businesses in the north that will support expansion, diversification, and new jobs in local communities.

Federal Member for Durack, the Hon. Melissa Price said applications for the Morrison Government’s new $111.9 million Northern Australia Development Program (NADP) open today.

“From the banks of the irrigation channels of the Ord to Canberra, I have long championed the development of the north. I am thrilled that this new grant program is targeted to achieve that,” Ms Price said.

“The Northern Australia Development Program will offer two simultaneous grant streams, covering up to 50 per cent of the total cost of individual projects. These grants will support businesses to fund new capital expenditure investments like the construction of infrastructure or assets, or to undertake business planning and feasibility studies,” she said.

The first stream will target small to medium corporations with business expansion and diversification grants of between $50,000 and $2 million. The second stream will offer corporations between $3 million and $10 million to establish a new industry or grow an existing industry.

To be eligible businesses must have an Australian business number (ABN) and be either an entity incorporated in Australia and a trading corporation, or an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust.

For more information and eligibility criteria visit:

It’s important for businesses to get their applications in prior to the first round assessment on December 10 2021. 



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