Stronger Communities Funding Round 7 opens in Durack — Melissa Price MP

Stronger Communities Funding Round 7 opens in Durack

The Morrison Government is providing a further $150,000 in funding for small-scale upgrades and new equipment that will assist community groups and local governments in Durack.

Expressions of interest are now open for Round 7 of the Stronger Communities Programme (SCP), to nominate projects with a ‘Supporting Tourism in Durack’ theme for grants of up to $20,000.

Federal Member for Durack, the Hon. Melissa Price said more funding for Durack would deliver the infrastructure and equipment our communities need to be successful and grow.

“I have seen some great results in Durack from this funding program across Durack and I look forward to seeing the successful outcome for more Durack communities with this round. From the funding and installation of defibrillators and kitchen upgrades in community facilities, to improvements in tourism signage and local interpretative displays from previous SCP rounds,” Ms Price said.

“I strongly encourage interested organisations to contact my office regarding projects important to them and our community. Grants from $2,500 up to $20,000 are available to cover up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs, or up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs for local governing bodies,” Ms Price said.

The Stronger Communities Programme support local jobs, grow local economies and delivers lasting infrastructure and much-needed equipment. The Morrison Government is providing $22.7 million under Round 7 to deliver investment in regional areas, to ensure our regions remain great places to live and visit.

The Morrison Government is continuing to back regional and remote communities, providing opportunities for them to get ahead and prosper into the future. Through the Stronger Communities Program, the Government has provided more than $135 million for projects for community-building and job-creating projects across Australia.

Expressions of Interest close Friday Nov 12.


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